Author Guidelines
Authors should submit one soft copy of their manuscript clearly typed with 1.5 line spacing with font 12 mm in Time New Roman for English, Kruti Dev 10 for hindi and Satluj, Gurmukhi for Punjabi. The article can be interdisciplinary, Analytical and Philosophical.
A soft copy of the manuscript should be sent as MS-word file through e-mail on
The College will charge 1500 fees for the publication of article.
The length of article should be between 2000-3000 words including abstract of 150-200 words.
The cover page shall be prepared strictly according to the latest MLA style manual.
The cover page shall contain the title of the manuscript, the author’s name and affiliation (designation, organization name, postal address, phone, fax & email) including acknowledgement, if any).
End note/Reference in the text must be numbered consecutively and typed on a separate page, double-space.
Tables must be numbered consecutively with Roman numerals. Please check that your text contains a reference to each table. Type each table on a separate page. Authors must check table to make sure that amounts add up to the totals shown and that the titles, column headings, captions etc are clear and to the point. Necessary notes and sources must be mentioned at bottom.
Equations .All but very short mathematical expressions should be displayed on a separate line and centered. Equations must be numbered consecutively on the right margin, using Arabic numerals in parentheses.
Please check your manuscript for clarity, grammar, spellings, punctuation and consistency of reference to minimize editorial changes.
The author must give an undertaking that the paper has not been published wholly or partly, in any other journal, and that it has not been submitted to any other journal for consideration or publication.
Neither the editor nor the publisher accepts the responsibility for the views of authors expressed in their papers.
Figures must be titled and numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Necessary Notes and sources must be mentioned at bottom.
The manuscript submitted should be original. There should be no plagiarism found in the paper.
The author must send the complete article with copyright form at ( ).
Vision : An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Management
Contact Us
Dr. Karamjeet Kaur
Dasmesh Girls College,
Chak Alla Baksh, Mukerian,
Distt Hoshiarpur , Panjab.
Vision : An International Multidisciplinary Journal of Humanities & Management
ISSN: 2348-3598
© 2024. All rights reserved.
Chief Editor
Dr.Sarita Rana, HOD
Deptt of History
Dasmesh Girls College,
Chak Alla Baksh, Mukerian,
Distt Hoshiarpur, Punjab.
Ph: 01883-247895